Money may not buy happiness, but it can damn well give it!Collection: Money
I'm hopeless with money; I simply spend what I've got.Collection: Money
One night Roger was in a foul mood and he threw his entire bloody drumset across the stage. The thing only just missed me - I might have been killed.
You know, I designed the Queen crest. I simply combined all the creatures that represent our star signs-and I don't even believe in astrology.
Years ago, I thought up the name Queen. It's just a name. But it's regal, obviously, and -sounds splendid.
It destroys the soul to hear that you're all hype, that you have no talent, and that your whole career has been contrived.
I guess I've always lived the glamorous life of a star. It 's nothing new - I used to spend down to the last dime.
We're a very expensive group; we break a lot of rules. It's unheard of to combine opera with a rock theme, my dear .
In the early days, we just wore black onstage. Very bold, my dear. Then we introduced white, for variety, and it simply grew and grew.
I was never too keen on the British music press. They've called us a supermarket hype, and they used to suggest that we didn't write our own songs.
Back in the old days, we were often compared to Led Zeppelin. If we did something with harmony, it was the Beach Hoys. Something heavy was Led Zeppelin.
We were disliked by the press in the early days because they couldn't put their finger on us, and that was the case with Zeppelin as well.
And, we have no such thing as a budget anymore. Our manager freaks when we show him the bill. We're lavish to the bone, but all our money goes back into the product.
I love the fact that I can make people happy, in any form. Even if it’s just an hour of their lives, if I can make them feel lucky or make them feel good, or bring a smile to a sour face, that to me is worthwhile.Collection: People
You can be anything you want to be, just turn yourself into anything you think that you could ever be.Collection: Thinking
The most important thing is to live a fabulous life. As long as it's fabulous I don't care how long it is.Collection: Inspirational
If it's planned, it's boringCollection: Planning
You can have everything in the world and still be the loneliest man. And that is the most bitter type of loneliness, success has brought me world idolisation and millions of pounds. But it's prevented me from having the one thing we all need: A loving, ongoing relationship.Collection: Loneliness
I'm not afraid to speak out, and say things that I want to do, or do the things that I want to do, so um, I think in the end, being natural, and being, being actually genuine is what wins.Collection: Thinking
It's a beautiful day, the sun is shining, I feel good, and no one's gonna stop me now.Collection: Beautiful
One year of love is better than a lifetime alone.Collection: Love
Oh, I was not made for heaven. No, I don't want to go to heaven. Hell is much better. Think of all the interesting people you're going to meet down there!Collection: Thinking
I'm possessed by love - but isn't everybody?Collection: Possessed
I am loved by thousands, but I feel like the loneliest man in the world.Collection: Men
You either have the magic or you don't. There's no way you can work up to it.Collection: Magic