The concept of a divine, or 'Christ'-mind, is the idea that, at our core, we are not just identical, but actually the same being.Collection: Ideas
The purpose of prayer is the alignment of the mind with the thoughts and the will of God.Collection: Prayer
The miracle-minded perception would be to make happiness itself our goal and to relinquish the thought that we know what that would look like.Collection: Goal
Each time we consider a miracle impossible, or assume that we ourselves are not capable of working it, then we're choosing not to take flight.Collection: Miracle
Every ending is a new beginning. Through the grace of God, we can always start again. (Page 120.)Collection: New Beginnings
Angels are thoughts of God--to pray to an angel is to look to a level of pure thinking, divine thinking, and to ask that it replace our thoughts of fear. (Page 27.)Collection: Angel
Our kingdom is our life, and our life is our kingdom. We are all meant to rule from a glorious place. When God is on the throne, then so are we. When God is in exile, our lands are at war and our kingdoms are in chaos.Collection: War
The Queen is coming to reclaim her girls.Collection: Girl
The plan of spiritual evolution is marked not only by God's will that we move ever in the direction of love, nut also by another of God's creative principles: that humanity has free will. What that means is that in any given moment, it is our choice whether we move toward love or retreat from it. What is not love is fear. But in the larger scheme of things, there is a limit past which lovelessness cannot remain. Fear is not life-giving enough to sustain itself. We can move in the direction of fear only so long before it brings us to our knees, or to our end.Collection: Spiritual
There is nothing Madison Avenue can give us that will make us more beautiful women. We are beautiful because God created us that way.Collection: Beautiful
The Department of Peace would take a more human approach to healing our society, looking not merely for ways we can destroy an enemy, but for more powerful ways to create new friends. While the State Department engages in international diplomacy, there is no domestic parallel. There is no department seeking to harness the power of a nonviolent heart.Collection: Powerful
The power of nonviolence is not circumstance-specific. It is as applicable to the problems that confront us now, as to problems that confronted generations in the past. It is not a medicine or a solution so much as a healing process. It is the active spiritual immune system of humanity.Collection: Spiritual
Every day can be like Christmas in its love and its peace if our hearts open up and make room for love. The holy child is waiting to be born in every instant, not just once a year.Collection: Spiritual
Sometimes the purpose of a day is to merely feel our sadness, knowing that as we do, we allow whole layers of grief, like old skin cells to drop off usCollection: Grief
Spiritual growth increases our sense of what's possible. And as we sense new possibility, we can step into that possibility. With every word, every thought, every action, we choose what we wish to call forth in life.Collection: Spiritual
Our self-perception determines our behavior. If we think we’re small, limited, inadequate creatures, then we tend to behave that way, and the energy we radiate reflects those thoughts no matter what we do. If we think we’re magnificent creatures with an infinite abundance of love and power to give, then we tend to behave that way. Once again, the energy around us reflects our state of awareness.Collection: Thinking
Your job is to allow the Holy Spirit to remove the fearful thinking that surrounds your perfect self.Collection: Jobs
I’m haunted sometimes by the thought, what if we lived from that place all the time? What if we went there without tragedy striking first? The very thought of who we would be together, and the kinds of collectives decisions we would make...the kind of world we’d create ... makes me want to cry sometimes.Collection: Decision
The secret of success is to realize that the crisis on our planet is much larger than just deciding what to do with your own life.Collection: Secret
People sometimes see an image and without knowing the surrounding patterns draw false conclusions.Collection: Knowing
I have seen so much obstructed potential among people who lack personal discipline, who just slough it off, whatever it is, and who think that nothing matters very much. I want my daughter to have what I think of as a capacity for self-discipline. Not the sort of self-discipline that diminishes her own wild passions, but that makes it safer for her to own those wild passions.Collection: Daughter
I'm not bowled over by how different all the world's religions are - I'm bowled over by how similar they are.Collection: Different
In the Kabbala, it says that we receive the light in order to impart the light, and thus we repair the world.Collection: Light
You receive the light through what you read, through what you hear in meditation, or through some spiritual practice.Collection: Spiritual
Yes, hardships come. But I see in my life and in the lives of others how often something that does not have to be held as a hardship is dealt with by the mind as though it is.Collection: Mind
Love will push every button, try every faith, challenge every strength, trigger every weakness, mock every value, and then leave you there to die. And then you will be ready to be born at last, to become a soul who is strong enough to take love on. You'll be a romantic mystic who has achieved the elements: you endured the flames of love, you were baptized in the waters of love, and now you can soar like only a mystic can through the skies and skin of a lover's heart.Collection: Strong
There is nothing spiritual about complacency.Collection: Spiritual
Some pain is simply the normal grief of human existence. That is pain that I try to make room for.Collection: Pain
We can invoke spiritual compensation when we find ourselves in situations of material lack.Collection: Spiritual
If you know what makes one person's life change, then you know what makes a nation change - because a nation is simply a large group of individuals.Collection: Life Changing
There are other kinds of emotional pain that emerge from our own mistaken thinking. As we surrender that pain, we are inviting into our thought system a guide who will lead us to different thoughts. It’s like the song “Amazing Grace”: I was blind and now I see.Collection: Song
Often on a journey of spiritual transformation, that is ultimately what heals the pain: the veil is removed from in front of our own eyes and we see where we had been thinking thoughts that would inevitably lead to pain. Until we change those thoughts, the pain will remain.Collection: Spiritual
The opportunities for infinite possibility exist no matter what age we are.Collection: Opportunity
Growth is a detox process, as our weakest, darkest places are sucked up to the surface in order to be released...often, it is not a change in partners but rather a change in perception that delivers us to the love we seek.Collection: Change
You must master a new way to think, before you can master a new way to be.Collection: Inspirational
When we're in our right minds, we are hopeful. Because the arc of the moral universe does bend toward justice, nature does bend toward healing, and the heart does bend toward love.Collection: Healing
Every relationship, every situation is part of a divinely created and highly specific curriculum for your soul growthCollection: Soul
The purpose of our lives is to give birth to the best that is in us. It is only through our own personal awakening that the world can be awakened. We cannot give what we do not have.Collection: Giving
Our problem isn't that the universe isn't on our side; the problem is that too many of us numb these days, not awake to the game, or to the power of the universe that flows through our psychic veins. Some of us need to stop whining. It's not like we're the first generation who faced serious challenges. But others rose to the occasion, and we need to too.Collection: Psychics
Sometimes, when I'm sitting with people who have been stripped of everything and who are naked and authentic and finding themselves for the first time, I am reminded of how good people really are.Collection: People
If you're busy regretting the past, then a new future can't come in.Collection: Inspirational
There is one God. The Jews and the Christians have no monopoly on God. I'm speaking about the same God the Hindus talk about, the same God the Muslims talk about, the same God that the Taoists and the Confucians talk about.Collection: Christian
Meaning doesn't lie in things. Meaning lies in us. When we attach value to things that aren't love - the money, the car, the house, the prestige - we are loving things that can't love us back. We are searching for meaning in the meaningless. Money, of itself, means nothing. Material things, of themselves, mean nothing. It's not that they're bad. It's that they're nothing. ("A Return to Love")Collection: Lying
Gandhi said the end is inherent in the means, which means you cannot create any more peace than you yourself have attained. An angry generation will not bring peace.Collection: Mean
If you think there's something you need in order to be happy, then you believe in lack. Then believing you lack, you will create more lack.Collection: Happiness
I tell my mother I went to God in spite of my religious education. I feel that my religious education was inadequate, but that doesn't mean that Judaism was inadequate.Collection: Mother
Someone with whom we have a lifetime's worth of lessons to learn is someone whose presence in our lives forces us to grow...those who consciously or unconsciously challenge our fearful positions. They show us our walls. Our walls are our wounds--the places where we feel we can't love any more, can't connect any more deeply, can't forgive past a certain point. We are in each other's lives in order to help us see where we most need healing, and in order to help us heal.Collection: Wall
The Real You isn't damaged goods. The Real You is the light of the universe.Collection: Real
Political system is contrary to everything a feminine heart stands for. It lacks tenderness. It lacks poetry. It doesn't nurture. It doesn't love. And without those things, a woman's soul is bereft.Collection: Heart