Top Sex Quotes Collection
Discover a curated collection of Sex quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category.
Differences in race, differences in sex, somebody doesn’t look at you right, somebody says something. Everybody is sensitive. If I had been as sensitive as that in the 1960s, I’d still be in Savannah.Collection: Sex
I've always been fascinated with the idea of people paying for sex and what goes on with that and why that happens.Collection: Sex
I usually have sex to my stand-up comedy album. Power move.Collection: Sex
All the great Shakespeare plays are about killing. Alas, poor Yorick, that's about death. And in Romeo and Juliet everyone up ends up dying. The greatest dramas in the world are all about sex, violence and death.Collection: Sex
Money is color-blind, race-blind, sex-blind, degree-blind, and couldn't care less who brought you up or in what circumstances.Collection: Sex
Sex and hypocrisy. They go together like coffee and cream.Collection: Sex
I'm suddenly worried people will think that I believe their religion can be summed up on four sex-obsessed sentences.Collection: Sex
Men in power always seem to get involved in sex scandals, but women don't even have a word for 'male bimbo.' Except maybe 'senator.Collection: Sex
You know that old saying. Once you go dead, no one's better in bed.Collection: Sex
You only live once, so off with them pants. Hell ain't for sure, it's only a chance.Collection: Sex
Which do I prefer? Sex or chess? It depends on the position.Collection: Sex
Children are God's way of punishing us for having sex.Collection: Sex
Love can be so heartless when you turn out the light, a mutual surrender in the heat of the night.Collection: Sex
Lying is the most fun a woman can have without taking her clothes off.Collection: Sex
As long as there are two nations, two parties, two sexes or even two people there are going to be divisions. And all the talk in the world isn't going to change that. Thank goodness!Collection: Sex
I've read that male dolphins try to have sex with humans, and female apes solicit sex from humans. What is wrong with giving them what they want, if that's what turns you on, or even just to gratify them?Collection: Sex
It is easier to tell our therapist about our sex life than it is to tell our accountant about our finances.Collection: Sex
Have you ever thought about registering as a sex offender just so your friends won't bring their kids over to your house?Collection: Sex
On out deathbeds we're not going to regret all the work we didn't do. We're going to regret all the sex we didn't have!Collection: Sex
Hair is another name for sex.Collection: Sex
I think if people want to see pure sex in the movie, they have the Internet and the extraordinary things are available.Collection: Sex
The whole point of marriage is to stop you getting anywhere near real life. You think it's a great struggle with the mystery of being. It's more like being smothered in warm cocoa. There's sex, but it's not what you think. Marvellous, for the first fortnight. Then every Wednesday. If there isn't a good late-night concert on the Third. Meanwhile you become a biological functionary. An agent of the great female womb, spawning away, dumping its goods in your lap for succour. Daddy, daddy, we're here, and we're expensive.Collection: Sex
If God had meant us to have group sex, I guess he'd have given us all more organs.Collection: Sex
we all grow up thinking our parents found us under cabbage leaves and that sex didn't exist before our personal coming-of-age.Collection: Sex
There is no love left in your eyes, there is no love between your thighs.Collection: Sex
When asked if they would like to have sex with me, 30 per cent said, “Yes”, while the other 70 per cent replied, “What, again?”Collection: Sex
To me, it doesn't matter if your scapegoats are the Jews, the homosexuals, the male sex, the Masons, the Jesuits, the Welfare Parasites, the Power Elite, the female sex, the vegetarians, or the Communist Party. To the extent that you need a scapegoat, you simply have not got your brain programmed to work as an efficient problem-solving machine.Collection: Sex
While I do not have a boyfriend, I do have a friend who is homosexual and I once asked him "Do you ever think about having sex with me because you are gay?" to which he replied "Do you ever think about having sex with Rosie O'Donnell because you are straight? Same thing.Collection: Sex
Do you ever think about having sex with Rosie O'Donnell because you are straight? Same thing.Collection: Sex
I've been married five times, and people think that's some bizarre thing, yet I've got buddies who refuse to get married and have sex with 15 people a week. I'm like "Which is better?" At least I was trying.Collection: Sex
If the head is lost, all that perishes is the individual; if the balls are lost, all of human nature perishes.Collection: Sex
[Sex] is of real interest to every human being and so why gloss over it, and it's fun, it's interesting, it has so many dimensions.Collection: Sex
We have sex like Kenyan marathon runners.Collection: Sex
genius has no limit of sex or race.Collection: Sex
The way to a man’s heart is through his stomach.Collection: Sex
When you're young, you think that sex is the culmination of intimacy. Later you discover that it's barely the beginning.Collection: Sex
You need to understand how human beings bring together their brains and enable their ideas to combine and recombine, to meet and, indeed, to mate. In other words, you need to understand how ideas have sex.Collection: Sex
This idea holds out hope that the human race will prosper mightily in the years ahead-because ideas are having sex with each other as never before.Collection: Sex
How much more generous it would be if, instead of writing parables about childhood wounds, psychologists were to accept that some differences between the sexes just are, that they are in the nature of the beasts, because each sex has an evolved tendency to develop that way in response to experience.Collection: Sex
The trilogy composed of politics, religion and sex is the most sensitive of all issues in any society.Collection: Sex
Satan cannot create anything new, cannot create anything at all. He must steal what God has created. Thus he twists love and God's wonderful gift of sex into lust and sadism and myriad perversions. He disfigures the heart's deep desire to worship God and persuades us to bow before lesser gods of lust or money or power.Collection: Sex
The best way to get kids to read a book is to say: 'This book is not appropriate for your age, and it has all sorts of horrible things in it like sex and death and some really big and complicated ideas, and you're better off not touching it until you're all grown up. I'm going to put it on this shelf and leave the room for a while. Don't open it.Collection: Sex
Sangeeta Bandyopadhyay is a stylistically daring writer in love with surrealism, credited with being 'the woman who reintroduced hardcore sexuality to Bengali literature'. But though the (male) establishment used this label of erotica to dismiss her work, the sex scenes have exactly the same transgressive function as her use of chronology and narrative voice.Collection: Sex
He's comming to meet me on Sun. Cant wait!!... Please God let him love me!!... This could be it [followed by five happy faces].... Hes going to publish my pictures Im so glad I didn't sleep with him either!... I hate for men to want sex all the time. I hate sex anyway. (1992, diary entry as she prepares for a meeting with Paul Marciano, head of Guess.)Collection: Sex
Sex deepens love and love deepens sex, so physical intimacy transforms everything and playing with it is playing with fire.Collection: Sex
Power is the engine of the world, and sex and money its oil and lubricants. God is at best the invocation before you start the engine-meaningless if you have no engine to start! God is a goli, a multi-flavoured pill, invented by those who have power, money and sex, to give to those who have none! Love is another great goli. Some days we too swallow these golis. They feel good, like a joint, a temporary high! But they are not the reality. The reality is power, money, sex! And yes, there's another goli-morality!Collection: Sex
Betrayal lived in a separate realm than sex, a realm that was far more innocent, and far more erotic.Collection: Sex
Nobody leaves a house where there is peace, joy and good sex.Collection: Sex
Whereas a lot of men used to ask for conversation when they really wanted sex, nowadays they often feel obliged to ask for sex even when they really want conversation.Collection: Sex