Top water Quotes Collection
Discover a curated collection of water quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category.
Half of Louisiana is under water and the other half is under indictment.Collection: Water
Water is a very good servant, but it is a cruel master.Collection: Water
Wherever love comes from, whatever is its genesis, it isn’t like a quantity of gold or diamonds, even water in the earth-a fixed quantity, Fos thought. You can’t use up love, deplete it at its source. Love exists beyond fixed limits. Beyond what you can see or count.Collection: Water
Oh, he was just angry, we tell ourselves when someone blurts out something he later apologizes for. But a word, once spoken, lingers forever; to keep peace we pretend to forget, but we never do. Strange that a spoken word can have such lasting power when words carved on stone monuments vanish in spite of all our efforts to preserve them. What we would lose persists, lodged in our minds, and what we would keep is lost to water, moths, moss.Collection: Water
To understand water is to understand the cosmos, the marvels of nature, and life itself.Collection: Water
Understanding that water exists as a solid, a liquid, a vapor, as a molecule, and at some point as light is to also understand our own nature and possibilities because we are mostly made of water. After I realized that we are water I came to realize that we do not have death; we only change into higher vibrations of being. This is an irreplaceable finding for me personally.Collection: Water
It is chronic water shortage in the body that causes most diseases of the human body.Collection: Water
I'm a whisper in water.Collection: Water
The Waters are Nature's storehouse in which she locks up her wonders.Collection: Water
Even though nobody knew that you were in my life, you were the person who brought a raft at every rapid current and helped me cross that water safely. I was happy that you were there. I came to tell you I was able to travel through my life because I could come to you when I was anxious, not when I was happy.Collection: Water
Life is like pouring water into a Coca- Cola bottle; if you're the least bit scared you can't do itCollection: Water
Livin' is like pourin' water out of a tumbler into a dang Coca-Cola bottle. If'n you skeered you can't do it, you cain't. If'n you say to yourself, "By dang, I can do it!" then, by dang, you won't slosh a drop.Collection: Water
We are all bodies of water, guarding the mystery of our depths, but some of us have more to guard than others.Collection: Water
To be thirsty and to drink water is the perfection of sensuality rarely achieved. Sometimes you drink water; other times you are thirsty.Collection: Water
Before enlightenment, chopping wood and carrying water. After enlightenment, chopping wood and carrying water.Collection: Water
I'm probably never happier than when I'm by myself in the water. What I've worked and sacrificed for is not to be on stage playing music but to surf in some secluded place. It's a grounding element. Waves don't care who you are.Collection: Water
There is no work better than another to please God: to pour water, to wash dishes, to be a souter [cobbler], or an apostle, all is one; to wash dishes and to preach is all one, as touching tho deed, to please God.Collection: Water
Water - a thoroughly underrated drink.Collection: Water
It's almost embarrassing how well-behaved I was, which is probably why I do things like spit water on myself onstage as an adult.Collection: Water
God is closer to us than water is to a fish.Collection: Water
I'd like to go to Africa, away from water, away from what's normal for us. When you put yourself in those places your life looks so far away. It makes a big impact.Collection: Water
That day, I really believed that I had grasped something and that henceforth my life would be changed. But insights cannot be held for ever. Like water, the world ripples across you and for a while you take on its colours. Then it recedes, and leaves you face to face with the void you carry inside yourself, confronting that central inadequacy of soul which you must learn to rub shoulders with and to combat, and which, paradoxically, may be our surest impetus.Collection: Water
In the desert you celebrate nothing but water.Collection: Water
It certainly was an important moment for me, that realization that I was not going to get what I wanted. It was very freeing. I keep using that word "freeing" or "liberating." I feel like Houdini sometimes, like I'm just getting out of one set of shackles after another, hanging upside down inside a burlap bag with handcuffs on. Hopefully one day, I'm going to get out of this tank of water.Collection: Water
Optimism is the cheerful frame of mind that enables a teakettle to sing, though in hot water up to its nose.Collection: Water
Those who never sail stormy waters are the quickest and harshest judges of bad seamanship.Collection: Water
Worshiping the Devil is no more insane than worshiping God...It is precisely at the moment when positivism is at its high-water mark that mysticism stirs into life and the follies of occultism begin.Collection: Water
I don't particularly gain water; I don't have water retention.Collection: Water
If dead things love, if earth and water distinguish friends from enemies, I should like to possess their love. I should like the green earth not to feel my step as a heavy burden. I should like her to forgive that she for my sake is wounded by plough and harrow, and willingly to open for my dead body.Collection: Water
No matter how many stones you throw at the water's surface, no matter how much you step on a shadow, the water's surface does not disappear, the shadow does not disappear.Collection: Water
Place unopened pouch in warm water for 5-10 minutes. Unopened pouch may be laid on a warm surface. Lay unopened pouch in direct sunlight. Not much chance of that down here. Place unopened pouch inside you shirt, allow you body temperature to warm your MRE. I was surprised they left out: Place unopened pouch on ground and pee on it.Collection: Water
It appeared as if I had invited the audience into the water with me, and it conveyed the sensation that being in there was absolutely deliciousCollection: Water
A little bit of suspicion is a dangerous thing; a drop from a pipette of poison into a bucket of otherwise clean water.Collection: Water
By the plain form of my delirium I will blast the obstruction of every form around me into something barely called shadow. I sail. I swim to you. I know the water.Collection: Water
Dont be a fish; be a frog. Swim in the water and jump when you hit ground.Collection: Water
Places matter. Their rules, their scale, their design include or exclude civil society, pedestrianism, equality, diversity (economic and otherwise), understanding of where water comes from and garbage goes, consumption or conservation. They map our lives.Collection: Water
I want to be like water. I want to slip through fingers, but hold up a ship.Collection: Water
A cup brimful of sweetness cannot spill even one drop of bitter water, no matter how suddenly jarred.Collection: Water
Secrets press inside a person. They press the way water presses at a dam. The secrets and the water, they both want to get out.Collection: Water
The hunter for aphorisms on human nature has to fish in muddy water, and he is even condemned to find much of his own mind.Collection: Water
Part of the down-to-earthness that made the pioneers succeed was expressed in a sentence: It takes pretty good [people] to get along with water ditches in a dry time, and not quarrel.Collection: Water
Affection makes fools. Always, without exception, love digs a channel that's sooner or later flooded by the briny water of despair.Collection: Water
The water hollows out the stone, not by force but drop by drop.Collection: Water
Can you burn me up with holy water? Poke me to death with your crucifix? Pelt me with communion wafers?Collection: Water
Why is it that we don't build human settlements that will feed themselves, and fuel themselves, and catch their own water, when any human settlement could do that easily? When it's a trivial thing to do?Collection: Water
The SEALs place a premium on brute strength, but there's an even bigger premium on speed. That's speed through the water, speed over the ground, and speed of thought. There's no prizes for gleaming a set of well-oiled muscles in Coronado. Bulk just makes you slow, especially in soft sand, and that's what we had to tackle every day of our lives, mile after mile.Collection: Water
I said if you want to be Keith Richards, you've got to listen to Bo Diddley and Chuck Berry. Then I thought, "What did Bo Diddley and Chuck Berry listen to?" I said, "They listened to Howlin' Wolf and Muddy Waters." Well who'd they listen to? They listened to Robert Johnson. I said, "Ok, we'll start with that."Collection: Water
No matter how hot the water from your well, it will not cook your rice.Collection: Water
Drink more water and walk in a relaxed manner.Collection: Water